Gottheimer Announces $5+ Million in Storm Damage Reimbursement for North Jersey Schools and Families from March 2018 Winter Storms

Oct 29, 2019

Over $5 million clawed back to NJ will go to help local infrastructure

Today, Tuesday, October 29, 2019, U.S. Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) announced, through his work improving North Jersey’s return on investment (ROI) on the federal tax dollars New Jersey sends to Washington, more than $5 million dollars in winter storm damage reimbursement will be heading to Fifth District schools and families. This investment from FEMA will help reimburse repairs to infrastructure and time spent by emergency management officials combating severe winter storms that plagued New Jersey in March 2018.

Gottheimer announced earlier this year that, since 2016, New Jersey’s Fifth District has clawed back 57% more federal tax dollars from Washington. Through Gottheimer’s work with mayors, councils, first responders, and nonprofits, the Fifth District has realized a far better ROI on the tax dollars North Jersey residents sends to Washington every year. That means $392 per household back to the Fifth District this year alone — a 35% increase alone from 2017 to 2018. 

Historically, Virginia and Mississippi receive $4.23 and $4.38, respectively, back for every tax dollar. Forty-four percent of Louisiana’s state revenue comes from federal funds, compared to only 27% in our state. So, Louisiana and other Moocher States expect states like ours — instead of their local taxes — to cover nearly half of their costs. Historically, that’s meant higher property tax bills here – and lower taxes in the Moocher States. 

“I am proud to announce that we’re continuing to boost the Fifth District’s return on investment by clawing back more necessary investment for reimbursing damages to our infrastructure and for snow removal from those 2018 winter storms. This helps North Jersey families, helps town budgets, and helps minimize the impact on our local property taxes,” said Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5).

This reimbursement, for infrastructure repair and snow removal, comes from a FEMA disaster relief fund in collaboration with the State of New Jersey.

Gottheimer continued, “Recovering after winter storms can really hurt North Jersey families and towns. This federal reimbursement and investment will help alleviate some of that pressure they face. It’s time more resources came back to New Jersey from Washington.”


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