Gottheimer’s First Fifth District Mayors Day Connects Local Leaders With Federal Grant Experts

Jun 22, 2017

Gottheimer Hosts Mayors from Across Northern New Jersey in Washington

WASHINGTON – Yesterday, Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) hosted Mayors from across the Fifth Congressional District for meetings with federal experts on grants available to local communities, road and rail projects impacting the region, the heroin and opioid crisis, and clean drinking water. The Mayors discussed strategies to better leverage grants to serve their constituents while improving the return on investment the region sees for its federal tax dollars. The Fifth Congressional District currently receives only 33 cents back on every federal tax dollar it pays, while states like West Virginia get $4.23. Gottheimer is working to fix that and lower taxes.

The Mayors met with representatives from several federal agencies , including the Federal Emergency Management Agency, AMTRAK, the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the Department of Transportation, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

“I’ve always said that New Jersey needs a better return from the taxpayer dollars we send to Washington; and yesterday, local leaders helped me make that happen by connecting directly with federal experts, learning best practices and opportunities for federal grant funding and advocating for the projects and policies that will help the people we serve,” said Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5).

“This was a first time to meet face to face with federal agencies to discuss grant opportunities for Montvale in Washington, DC. It was great to share our insight from a micro level with these agencies that have to deal with everyone nationwide. I appreciate the Congressman’s commitment to support his constituents regardless of party affiliation,” said Montvale Mayor Mike Ghassali.

“Local Mayors meeting with the Congressman and these departments was an invaluable experience. There has been a void in representation when it comes to municipalities and the Federal government. This is a good first step so our collective voices and concerns can be heard. Congressman Josh Gottheimer taking the time to meet with us is simply good government; it’s good to know we have a voice in the conversation,” said Mahwah Mayor Bill Laforet.

“The departments and offices we met today control many of the grants that Hope has been competing for, so it was great to have an insider’s perspective on how we can leverage the federal government to support our towns. Today, the Congressman delivered on his commitment to support local government, regardless of party or ideology,” said Hope Township Mayor Tim McDonough.

Below: Congressman Gottheimer (NJ-5) stands with Mayors Bil Laforet of Mahwah, Mike Ghassali of Montvale, and Tim McDonough of Hope Township.


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