House Taxwriters Back Moocher States, Deny Gottheimer’s “Anti-Moocher Bill”

Nov 15, 2017

Gottheimer's Effort to Provide Relief to NJ Taxpayers Denied as Amendment to Tax Hike Bill

As the House pushes through its Tax Hike Bbill, the House Rules Committee denies attempts by Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) to protect states that are already paying in more in taxes than they are seeing in funding. Currently, New Jersey’s Fifth District receives $0.33 for every dollar paid in federal taxes. The bipartisan “Anti-Moocher Bill” was among 140 amendments to the Tax Hike Bill that the Rules Committee failed to consider.

Last night, Gottheimer submitted the bipartisan “Anti-Moocher Bill” — the “Return on Investment Accountability Act” as announced in October — to the Rules Committee as an amendment to H.R. 1, the House’s tax hike bill. The amendment would have addressed the disparities in federal taxes providing taxpayers in New Jersey and other “payer states” with refundable tax credits. If you look at the Moocher Map on Rep. Gottheimer’s website, you can see New Jersey’s Fifth District only gets back 33 cents for every dollar we send to Washington. Compare that to West Virginia: $4.23, Alabama: $3.14, South Carolina: $2.82, and Mississippi: $4.38.

While Congressman Josh Gottheimer offers commonsense solutions to provide relief to New Jersey taxpayers, the Washington taxwriters continue to pay for their tax hike bill on the backs of New Jersey residents.

“I want tax cuts for New Jersey, but the current tax hike bill is an assault on New Jersey taxpayers. New Jersey is one of the top tax paying states in the nation, which is why I’ve been pushing for years to cut taxes for residents and for businesses of all sizes. The bipartisan Anti-Mmoocher Bill brings balance to the high taxes New Jersey residents are already paying to South Carolina and Mississippi. The Anti-Moocher Bill is a commonsense solution that would make sure New Jersey taxpayers, already paying too much, would receive a tax break; instead the House taxwriters want to eliminate deductions that will on average raise taxes on New Jersey households,” said Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5).


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