In Light of New Terrorist Threat Assessment, Josh Gottheimer Urges Communities to Apply for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attack Preparedness Grant

Jan 23, 2017


After the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness’ recent finding that “our threat landscape has expanded dramatically in the last year,” Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) is urging communities in New Jersey’s Fifth Congressional District to apply for a federal grant program to prepare for complex coordinated terrorist attacks (CCTA Program). Gottheimer has been consistent in his commitment to fighting the growing threat of lone wolf and homegrown terrorists, particularly after the incidents in Fort Lauderdale, New Jersey, San Bernadino, and Orlando.

The New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness report only reinforced Gottheimer’s concerns. Its recently released 2017 Terrorism Threat Assessment found that homegrown violent extremists pose a high level of threat to New Jersey. Their review of domestic threats in 2016 found that there were 22 domestic terror attacks and 17 plots, threats of violence, and instances of weapons stockpiling in 2016—an increase from the previous year.

“Our communities, beginning with our first responders, must have the resources they need to combat homegrown and lone wolf terror. This recent preparedness report makes it even more evident why we must act now” said Congressman Josh Gottheimer. “Our communities are a stone’s throw from Ground Zero and the economic nerve center of the world, and our state’s Homeland Security officials have found we have a high level of threat from homegrown violent extremists. It is vital that our communities are prepared for and able to prevent terrorist attacks. I urge local governments across New Jersey’s Fifth District to apply for this opportunity to bring federal dollars back home to improve our emergency readiness and prevent terrorist attacks. My office will do everything we can to help communities through the application process and make sure we have what is needed to keep New Jersey families safe.”

This is the CCTA Program’s inaugural year providing $35.94 million to state, local, tribal, and territorial jurisdictions to improve their ability to prepare for, prevent, and respond to complex coordinated terrorist attacks in collaboration with the whole community. The grant application period for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Program to Prepare Communities for Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attacks (CCTA Program) is currently open and will remain open until February 10, 2017 at 11:59:59 p.m. ET. More information is available online HERE. Mayors and Councils may contact our office at 888-216-5646 for guidance and support.


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