Joint Statement: Problem Solvers Caucus Co-Chairs Submit “Break the Gridlock” Proposal to House Rules Hearing on Rules Changes for 116th Congress

Sep 13, 2018

This morning, the Problem Solvers Caucus submitted its proposal to “Break the Gridlock” to the House Rules Subcommittee on Rules and the Organization of the House as it examines possible rules changes for the 116th Congress.

Congressmen Tom Reed (NY-23) and Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5), co-chairs of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, released the following joint statement:

“We applaud the House Rules Committee for holding a hearing today to examine ways to change the Rules of the House of Representatives to reform this institution and make our Congress function better for the American people. For almost two years, Members of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus have come together and found real, bipartisan policy solutions and compromise to a number of our nation’s most pressing concerns – including health care, immigration and border security, infrastructure and gun and school safety. But the institution and extremes on both sides have prohibited these policies from seeing the House floor and being considered and passed by the House. We must take action to change how this institution functions at its core – and the Problem Solvers Caucus “Break the Gridlock” proposal is a step toward making these reforms and enabling Members to govern. Regardless of who will be in charge of the 116th Congress, we demand that leaders on both sides implement changes to the House rules.”


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