North Jersey Hudson County Building & Construction Trades Council Urges Immediate Passage of Bipartisan Infrastructure Package in House of Representatives, Praises Work Across the Aisle in Senate to Improve & Repair NJ Infrastructure

Aug 18, 2021

Will Create Two Million American Jobs a Year

NEW JERSEY — Today, the Hudson County Building & Construction Trades Council joined the growing coalition of labor groups — both nationally and in New Jersey — urging lawmakers to move forward in the House of Representatives and pass the bipartisan physical infrastructure legislation without delay. The package deserves a standalone vote in the House and will create thousands of good-paying Northern New Jersey jobs.

New Jersey’s infrastructure is in desperate need of investment. The American Society of Civil Engineers has given New Jersey a D+ grade on its infrastructure report card.

Right now, a third of New Jersey’s bridges need repairs, residents lack broadband connectivity, lead pipes remain a major threat to the health and safety of our children and families, the Garden State has the third worst roads in the nation, New Jersey’s public transit has previously had the worst on-time record, and the Gateway Project has been stalled for years.

The Hudson County Building Trades praises the leadership from the White House and collaborative bipartisan work between the United States Senate and the House of Representatives — including by groups like the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus.

The bipartisan infrastructure deal in the US Senate is a win for New Jersey workers.

This bipartisan legislation will help rebuild, improve, and repair New Jersey’s infrastructure.

Congress needs to pass the bipartisan deal without delay and get the bill to the President’s desk.

Infrastructure investment is a pressing need for New Jersey families and economy.

Two million jobs will be created each year over the next decade nationwide and it will help improve New Jersey’s infrastructure.

The Hudson County Building Trades joins the National Construction and Building Trades as well as national and local leaders, community groups, advocacy organizations, and a majority of Democrats and Republicans, to express support for the bipartisan infrastructure legislation.

Thank you for your consideration, I am


Patrick Kelleher, President

The Hudson County Building & Construction Trades Council


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