President Signs Gottheimer Suicide Prevention, Anti-Terror Priorities into Law

Dec 13, 2017

NDAA Includes Gottheimer's U.S.-Israel Missile Defense Measure

Today, Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) hailed the President’s signing of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2018, which included several bipartisan amendments Gottheimer offered on the House floor to combat terror, curb suicide, and protect the U.S. and our allies from increasing threats.

The NDAA included $105 million for a flight test to develop the Arrow 3 long-range missile defense system — first introduced by Representatives Gottheimer and Brian Mast (R-FL) as the U.S.-Israel Joint Missile Defense Act. This provision will help protect our vital ally Israel from the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran and from terrorist organizations like Hezbollah and Hamas as their threats grow. Gottheimer’s testimony before the House Armed Services Committee in support of this funding can be found HERE.

Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) noted, “This year’s National Defense Authorization Act will empower our servicemembers with the tools they need to protect Americans from those wishing to harm our families and communities, including from ISIS and terror groups. I’m proud that this new law includes bipartisan amendments I offered on the House floor to help stop and destroy terrorists, end veterans’ suicide, protect our critical ally, Israel, and help veterans find jobs. In Congress, there is no responsibility I take more seriously than protecting the United States from terror and standing up for those who have risked their lives for our country. Matters of national security should not be a Democrat or Republican issue; they are an America issue. I want to thank my colleagues on both sides of the aisle for helping pass these amendments.”

The NDAA also included a bipartisan Gottheimer amendment to curb suicide by extending a critical program that provides members of the National Guard and Reserves and their families with training in suicide prevention, resilience, and community healing resources. Video of Gottheimer speaking on the floor on this amendment is available HERE. Gottheimer also cosponsored a bipartisan amendment to boost veterans’ employment by expanding the United States Military Apprenticeship Program (USMAP).

The NDAA also included key amendments to fight terrorism and keep the United States safe from enemies at home and abroad. It includes Gottheimer’s amendments to require that the Secretary of Defense report to Congress on support for law enforcement agencies conducting counter-terrorism activities and one he cosponsored to extend the reporting requirements on Iran’s ballistic missile program.

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