Problem Solvers Caucus Announces Principles to Resolve Impasse on DACA and Border Security

Jan 29, 2018

Bipartisan Plan Paves Way for Long-Term Budget Plan

Today, the Problem Solvers Caucus announced a bipartisan agreement on a set of principles to resolve DACA while continuing to make America’s borders strong and secure. With this agreement, the twenty-four Democrats and twenty-four Republicans of the bipartisan Caucus agreed to support a plan that addresses the ongoing budget impasse related to DACA and border security measures.

Today’s announcement builds on the Caucus’ call in the fall for a long-term, fiscally-responsible budget. More specifically, in November, the Problem Caucus outlined its support for a plan that would eliminate the sequester and provide for a sustainable, responsible budget caps deal.

After months of meetings, the bipartisan Caucus delivered a set of principles to lay the groundwork for a deal on DACA and border security. The bipartisan plan can be found HERE. Key elements include a DACA solution that includes an earned pathway to citizenship, funding for border security improvements, and modifications to visa programs.

Problem Solvers Caucus Co-Chair Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) said
, “The bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus has been relentless in working toward a bipartisan proposal that finally protects DREAMers, keeps America’s borders secure, and lives up to our ideals as a country. These principles are the result of months of dedicated work from every Member in the Caucus. No one got everything they wanted, and that’s the reality of governing – and I didn’t feel the DREAMers could wait any longer.”

Problem Solvers Caucus Co-Chair Tom Reed (NY-23) said, “I am frustrated that there are so many partisan extremists that are more interested in achieving political victories than in actually solving these important issues. In the Problem Solvers Caucus, Members share common goals and the willingness to work together within a culture of trust. The result is this sensible proposal based on a core commitment to help people, families and our country become stronger, safer and more unified.”

“This bipartisan legislation shows that Republicans and Democrats can work together to find common ground on border security and DACA to help the young people who were taken to the United States illegally as children.” – Rep. Mike Coffman (CO-06)

“Extremists on both sides continue to put politics over people, preferring partisanship over problem solving, resulting in gridlock. Having worked for five months in the Problem Solvers Caucus working group to develop a bipartisan solution for DACA, I know how difficult it is to overcome this status quo. But this commonsense compromise would finally do what the American people want: give a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers while increasing border security, and produce an agreement on spending. A win for all Americans.” – Rep. Daniel Lipinski (IL-03)

“The fact that we continue to operate our government under short-term spending deals is unacceptable. It is impossible for our military and other government agencies to effectively plan and operate. In addition, it is time that we address the immigration issues our nation faces and stops putting the futures of those covered under DACA at risk. The Problem Solvers Caucus has put forth a reasonable proposal that recognizes that we must address the restrictive budget caps and addresses key immigration problems by allowing DACA recipients to continue contributing to American society, along with strengthening our border security. This is proposal is a commonsense, bipartisan compromise.” – Rep. John Faso (NY-19)

“Finding a compromise on the issue of Dreamers and immigration was not an easy task. I am proud to be part of the Problem Solvers’ bipartisan effort to find a solution. The American people demand that we work together to get things done on behalf of the people we serve. That is what we are trying to do.” – Rep. Tom Suozzi (NY-03)

“For these young men and women, the United States is their home. I’ve met with countless individuals and groups back home in Michigan impacted by DACA and from universities, restaurant and small business owners, as well as our farmer friends who all agree we must take care of these folks. It is the responsibility of Congress to work together on fair, rigorous, and bipartisan legislation that addresses the long-term uncertainty facing these young people. We should continue to work together towards those aims and will continue working with my Problem Solvers Caucus colleagues on a long-term solution.” – Rep. Fred Upton (MI-06)

“Arizonans have been greatly impacted by Congress’ inability to pass a bipartisan budget agreement that invests in the future of our country and our national security, and young DREAMers are living in uncertainty while they wait for a DACA solution. I am proud of the bipartisan work the Problem Solvers Caucus to find solutions to the challenges we face as a nation, and I am confident that this proposal can find broad support from both Republicans and Democrats in Congress. It is time for Congress to step up and take action; the American people are tired of waiting.” – Rep. Tom O’Halleran (AZ-01)

“From dangerous ‘Sanctuary City’ policies to the national security threat posed by our compromised borders, it is clear that our immigration system is broken and there is much that needs to be done to fix it. Congress must reassert its authority and work to fix our immigration system by taking into account all aspects of the issue – from enacting ‘Kate’s Law’ to deport those who commit crimes while here illegally, to defunding sanctuary cities, to securing operational control of our borders, to treating with compassion those children who were brought here due to no fault of their own, in a manner that is becoming of American ideals and values. This proposal is a step in the right direction.” – Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-08)

“By coming together to agree on a set of key principles for a long-term budget, DREAMer protections, and increased border security, we in the Problem Solvers Caucus have once again shown that serious bipartisan negotiation is the only way we can move forward and govern responsibly.” – Rep. Jim Costa (CA-16)

“This plan shows that when Democrats and Republicans work together, we can find real solutions on contentious issues like immigration. Together we were able to agree on a way to address the crisis for Dreamers and create a pathway to citizenship, as well as address border security. We are hopeful that congressional leadership will allow us the chance to get this bipartisan plan over the finish line.” – Rep. Jared Polis (CO-02)

The Problem Solvers Caucus is a bipartisan group in Congress comprising of 48 members – equally divided between Democrats and Republicans – who are committed to forging bipartisan cooperation on key issues. It is co-chaired by Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY).

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