Problem Solvers Caucus Announces Support for SITSA Act to Fight Drug Trafficking

Jun 14, 2018

Today, the Problem Solvers Caucus announced their support for H.R. 2851, the Stop the Importation and Trafficking of Synthetic Analogues (SITSA) Act of 2017. SITSA, sponsored by Problem Solvers Caucus Member John Katko (NY-24), is bipartisan legislation to update the Controlled Substance Act (CSA) to provide swifter action to stop the unlawful importation and distribution of synthetic drugs, and give law enforcement effective tools to help keep our communities safe.

Problem Solvers Caucus Co-Chair Tom Reed (NY-23) said, “Once again, the Problem Solvers Caucus is stepping up to break the gridlock in Congress and delivering law enforcement the tools they need to fight against drug trafficking. I care about our communities being unfairly torn apart by drugs, and I am proud to say that we are working to end the opioid epidemic.”

Problem Solvers Caucus Co-Chair Josh Gottheimer (NJ-05) said, “The opioid crisis ravaging North Jersey’s communities has been compounded by the introduction of synthetics like fentanyl. When fentanyl made it into Sussex County last year, the county experienced twelve overdoses in a week. Kids are dying. The Problem Solvers Caucus is putting its weight behind SITSA to give first responders the tools they need to fight back against the opioid crisis.”

U.S. Rep. Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson (PA-5) said, “It’s clear that synthetic drugs are dangerous and the ease at which they are finding their way into our communities is alarming. The STOP Act closes dangerous loopholes, puts drug dealers on notice, and provides law enforcement the tools they need to keep these dangerous drugs off the streets.”

Congressman Tom Suozzi (NY-3) said, “Democrats and Republicans have worked together on the SITSA legislation to boost law enforcement’s fight against the creation and handling of dangerous synthetic opioids – like fentanyl. As the Caucus’ Vice Chair, and a co-sponsor of this legislation, I know the Problem Solvers will keep pushing to find common ground to get things done in Congress. That’s what the people want!”

U.S. Representative John Katko (NY-24) said, “I appreciate the bipartisan support from members of the Problem Solvers Caucus for the legislation I’ve introduced to combat the synthetic drug epidemic plaguing communities nationwide. First responders across our country have seen an incredible increase in synthetic drug overdoses. This measure will provide our first responders and law enforcement the tools that they need to crack down on the importation and distribution of synthetic drugs and help end this scourge.”

Congressman Brad Schneider (IL-10) said, “I’ve repeatedly heard from Illinois law enforcement, the medical community and others on the front lines of the opioid crisis about the growing threat posed by fentanyl and other synthetic opioids,” said Schneider. “I’m proud to support this bipartisan measure updating the Controlled Substances Act to crackdown on the importers and distributors of these dangerous drugs to help our communities recover from this epidemic.”

U.S. Representative Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-8) said: “As an EMT and former federal drug prosecutor, I’ve seen firsthand the devastating impact of addiction in our communities and understand the increased danger added by synthetic opioids like fentanyl. I’m proud that the Problem Solvers Caucus endorsed the SITSA Act, which strengthens federal law to ban synthetic opioids and their analogues. This bipartisan bill would ensure law enforcement has the necessary authorities to remove these illicit opioids from circulation. I’m grateful for Rep. John Katko and our colleagues in the Problem Solvers Caucus for working in a bipartisan fashion to tackle the issue of fentanyl entering our communities as part of our larger strategy to combat this national crisis.”

“Families in Nevada are suffering because of the opioid crisis, and I’m proud to work with the Problem Solvers Caucus to try to address the spread and abuse of synthetic drugs,” said Congresswoman Jacky Rosen (NV-03). “This bipartisan legislation will help our law enforcement officers, first responders and emergency physicians get the support they need to save lives and tackle this devastating epidemic in communities across Nevada.”

The Problem Solvers Caucus is a bipartisan group in Congress comprising of 48 members – equally divided between Republicans and Democrats – who are committed to forging bipartisan cooperation on key issues. It is co-chaired by Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY) and Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ).

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