Problem Solvers Caucus Claims First Congressional Victory

May 03, 2017

Bipartisan Caucus Unites to Prevent Government Shutdown, Pass Funding Bill

Today, Problem Solvers Caucus Co-Chairs Democrat Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) and Republican Tom Reed (NY-23) announced a first win for the Caucus after it used its influence to get the FY17 funding bill passed. The bipartisan Caucus previously indicated that it would lead the effort to avoid a government shutdown by supporting such a funding bill if it contained no ideological riders.

The Caucus’ support of the bill was the result of the 40 Members of Congress, evenly split between Republicans and Democrats, working together.

“This is exactly why many of us ran for Congress — to actually get things done for the people we represent. The American people want problem solvers, not obstructionists. Now that the shutdown has been averted, it’s time to work across the aisle on tax reform and infrastructure,” said Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5).

“I applaud my colleagues in the Caucus from both sides of the aisle, for all their hard work to get this done for the American people,” said Congressman Tom Reed (NY-23). “Their courage to put ‘people over party’ is a great example of what can be accomplished together and what true democracy looks like.”

“This is why the American people sent us to Congress – to get things done. By keeping the government open with bipartisan support, this spending bill accomplishes that goal. Now we can set our sights even higher by working together on other important issues like infrastructure and tax reform,” said Caucus Vice-Chair Congressman Tom Suozzi (NY-3).

“Keeping the government open is a fundamental job of lawmakers and critical to constituents who rely on federal services,” said Congressman Ryan Costello (PA-6). “This is an example of what we can accomplish when we work together for commonsense solutions.”

“This is a good first step for the Problem Solvers Caucus, helping bridge partisan divides and getting something done for the American people. This is the type of action Americans want to see, members of Congress coming together to solve the problems our nation is facing rather than simply pointing fingers as our nation suffers. We all remain committed to changing the way Washington operates and making it work for the American people,” said Congressman Dan Lipinski (IL-3).

“As a member of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus, I’m pleased that leaders in both parties could negotiate an agreement – now let’s spill that goodwill over into the day-to-day legislating of Congress and tackle tax reform, or infrastructure investment, or speak with one voice against those who threaten our peace and prosperity,” said Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-8).

“This is the kind of bipartisanship Congress should be focused on every day,” said Congressman Tom O’Halleran (AZ-1). “By working together on legislation, we avoided a disastrous government shutdown, invested in our communities, and took efforts to strengthen our national and border security.”

“Keeping the government open and serving the people is at the core of good governing. I am proud my colleagues and I, in the bipartisan caucus, worked across the aisle to pass the funding bill, preventing a government shutdown. I hope this is only a small sign of what can get accomplished when we work together in a bipartisan and united manner,” said Congressman Mike Coffman (CO-6).

“I am very happy to see Congress come to an agreement by putting forth a spending bill free of ideological riders. We have a lot of work to do, but as long as we can put our difference aside, and focus on finding solutions to the issues we can agree on like rebuilding our roads and bridges, then I believe we can get still get a lot accomplished for our constituents,” said Congresswoman Jacky Rosen (NV-3).

“Avoiding a costly government shutdown and funding bipartisan priorities most Americans agree on is a win-win. It’s further proof that when we come together – Republicans and Democrats – we can accomplish big things,” said Congressman Fred Upton (MI-6). “I want to applaud Rep. Tom Reed and Rep. Josh Gottheimer, and the entire Problem Solvers Caucus, for creating an environment where folks can put aside party differences and come together for the American people.”

“Today Congress acted in the best interest of the American people by avoiding a government shutdown,” said Congressman Salud Carbajal (CA-24). “Partisan gridlock harms our ability to effectively govern, and I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to pass common sense legislation that benefits our nation.”

“I’m very pleased that we were able to avoid a government shutdown. There is no partisan issue that takes priority over our constituents, and shutting down the government shouldn’t be a last resort: it should never even be an option. I’ve always been willing to work across the aisle, putting our trivial differences aside and finding common ground to be able to solve problems for the good of our districts and our country. I look forward to continuing to find that bipartisan ground,” said Congressman Kurt Schrader (OR-5).

“This is how government should work. Both parties and chambers, working together, negotiating a deal that protects programs and services Americans depend on,” said Congressman Charlie Crist (FL-13). “People should always come before politics. This legislative deal reflects that principal. We should continue this nonpartisan approach to governing as we begin debating next year’s budget.”


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