RELEASE: Ahead of the Election, Gottheimer Announces Two New Bills to Protect Poll Workers

Sep 30, 2024

Above: Gottheimer announcing new legislation to protect poll workers.

FORT LEE, NJ — Today, September 30, 2024, U.S. Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5), announced two new pieces of legislation to protect poll workers from increased threats of violence, harassment, and intimidation. This work expands on Gottheimer’s “Election Integrity Strategy” which includes his bipartisan “Unity Commitment” which commits Members to respecting the results of the 2024 presidential election, attending the inauguration, and serving as a voice for calm, regardless of who wins.

Video of the announcement can be found here. Go to Vote.Gov to register to vote.

Poll Workers Continue to face threats of harassment, intimidation, and violence:

  • According to a recent study by the Brennan Center in May, 38% of all local election officials report experiencing threats, harassment, or abuse. 
  • More than a quarter are concerned about the threats and harassment impacting their family and loved ones.
  • While there were more than 100 threats of death or violence made to U.S. election workers and officials during the 2020 election, there have only been thirteen federal prosecutions.
  • More than one-third of local election officials know at least one person who resigned at least in part because of safety concerns. 
  • That’s up from 22% in 2023. 
  • Nearly half of all local election officials are concerned about recruiting enough poll workers for the November election. 

Gottheimer’s new action to protect poll workers:

  • First, Gottheimer is introducing the Election Worker and Polling Place Protection Act in the House. This legislation is being led by Senator Ossoff in the United States Senate and will help expand protections for election workers and polling locations against threats of violence and harassment. 
  • Among other protections, the legislation clearly states that harassing, intimidating, or threatening an election official, in a general or primary election, is a crime punishable by up to 6 months in jail or a $2,500 fine.
  • Second, Gottheimer is introducing the Protect Our Local Workers Act — or POL Workers Act — which ensures Help America Vote Act or HAVA grants can be utilized for physical security for election workers and polling places by codifying them into law. 
  • Third, since this is an all-hands-on-deck issue, Gottheimer announced support for Mayor and Senator Brian Stack’s bill in the New Jersey Legislature, which makes it a crime to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any election official or election worker in the discharge of their duties. 
  • This legislation is also sponsored by Senator Polistina and Assemblymembers Swift and DeAngelo. 

“I refuse to stand by while extremists try to undermine the backbone of our democracy — our election workers — into silence. We cannot allow those who spread fear and misinformation to threaten the very heart of our democracy,” said Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5). “With the legislation I’m announcing today, we’re taking a stand to protect those who protect our democracy so that every voter can cast their ballot without fear and every election worker can serve without threats. Because the right to vote is sacred — and it is our duty to defend it.”

Gottheimer was joined by Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich, Councilman Harvey Sohmer, Bergen County Commissioner Chairwoman Germaine Ortiz, Bergen County Commissioner Tom Sullivan, Bergen County Commissioner Mary Amaroso, Bergen County Clerk Hogan, and Bergen County NAACP Vice President Courtney Suffrin.

Below: Bergen County NAACP Vice President Courtney Suffrin at today’s announcement for new legislation to protect poll workers.

Remarks as prepared for delivery below:

Good morning everyone. It’s great to be back in Fort Lee at the Community Center. Nearly every day of every year, the Fort Lee Community Center hosts incredible events, including everything from free concerts to color runs, yoga classes, and pickup sports.

But that’s not all. The center also serves as a local polling place, ensuring that free and fair elections remain the crown jewel of our democracy. In just 26 days, beginning on October 26, dozens of volunteers and paid poll and election workers will be here, once again, to perform the critical responsibility of overseeing the vote in the 2024 elections, from the president on down. It’s the chance for Americans to have their voices heard at the ballot box — it’s a huge gift and an enormous responsibility.  

What’s unfortunate is that, in recent years, many of our local poll and election workers at voting locations like this one have faced increased threats of violence and harassment – especially during the 2020 election. It’s a threat to our democracy and the right to vote. It’s unacceptable, and we must do everything we can to stand up to these extremist thugs and stop it. The voices of Americans should echo in polling places, not the voices of bullies and extremists. 

Our poll workers and election officials are patriots — serving not a particular party, but rather their fellow citizens and country and are protecting the right to vote. But when I personally hear from poll workers, like I have, that they’re scared for themselves and their families, then we have a huge problem on our hands. I refuse to stand by while extremists try to undermine the backbone of our democracy — our election workers — into silence.

That’s why today, I’m here to announce new legislation that I’m leading in the House to protect the poll workers who help organize and run our voting locations. Because the last thing they should be worrying about on election day is if they’re safe.

According to a recent study by the Brennan Center in May, thirty-eight percent of all local election officials report experiencing threats, harassment, or abuse. More than a quarter are concerned about the threats and harassment impacting their family and loved ones. And while there were more than 100 threats of death or violence made to U.S. election workers and officials during the 2020 election, there have only been thirteen federal prosecutions. That’s outrageous. 

It should come as no surprise that more than one-third of local election officials know at least one person who resigned at least in part because of safety concerns. That’s up from 22 percent in 2023. So, we are losing more poll and election workers who are scared to work at a voting site like this one.  

It should also come as no surprise that nearly half of all local election officials are concerned about recruiting enough poll workers for the November election. 

And now, with the 2024 election on the horizon and after the events leading up to and on January 6, we can’t afford to take anything for granted. I was there in the House Chamber and saw them with my own eyes as lawless thugs from the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, including many from our state, breached the United States Capitol. For the first time in more than 200 years, the President refused to commit to a peaceful transition of power, the cornerstone of our Constitution. 

Still former President Trump continues to deny and distort his 2020 election defeat, most recently during the presidential debate earlier this month, when he insisted that he beat Joe Biden. The former president and some of his supporters, including in Congress, are already questioning the outcome of the upcoming election. 

It’s outrageous and unacceptable – and, election denialism not only undermines our democracy, but it leads to the threats and violence we’ve been talking about today.  

That’s why I’m proud to announce three steps for what I’m calling my Election Integrity Strategy. We’re not just protecting election and poll workers, we’re also protecting the very fabric of our democratic system. Today’s announcement focuses on ensuring our poll workers are safe from this record level of harassment, so that Jersey, and our nation, can protect the right to vote and continue to have free, fair, and safe elections.

First, I’m Introducing the Election Worker and Polling Place Protection Act in the House. This legislation is being led by Senator Ossoff in the United States Senate and will help expand protections for election workers and polling locations against threats of violence and harassment. 

Among other protections, the legislation clearly states that harassing, intimidating, or threatening an election official, in a general or primary election, is a crime punishable by up to 6 months in jail or a $2,500 fine.

Second, I’m introducing the Protect Our Local Workers Act — or POL Workers Act — which is already funded, ensures that Help America Vote Act or HAVA grants can be utilized for physical security for election workers and polling places by codifying them into law. No future Election Assistance Commission should be able to undermine these grants. They’re needed now more than ever before.

And third, since this is an all-hands-on-deck issue, while I work on passing federal legislation, I’m proud to announce my support for Mayor and Senator Brian Stack’s bill in the New Jersey Legislature, which makes it a crime to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any election official or election worker in the discharge of their duties. This is key to ensuring all of our Jersey poll workers and elected officials are safe. This legislation is also sponsored by Senator Polistina and Assemblymembers Swift and DeAngelo. 

I think we would all agree that the integrity of our elections cannot — and must not — be a partisan issue. Red or blue, win or lose, we must work together to maintain the public’s trust in our elections and in the voting process. In 2021, the Problem Solvers Caucus, which I Co-Chair, issued bipartisan principles on elections and voting, showing our shared, commonsense values and commitment to our democracy.

Then, in 2022, with Sen. Susan Collins from Maine, I helped enshrine the peaceful transition of power into law by leading in the House the bipartisan, bicameral Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act. This critical law closed loopholes in our electoral count process that extremists tried to use to subvert the results of the 2020 presidential election. There never should have been a question that Vice President Pence, or a slate of “fake electors,” could commandeer an election. Now, because of my legislation, there never will be again.

It’s exactly why I also recently announced a bipartisan Unity Commitment with Congressman Don Bacon and five of his Problem Solver Caucus Republicans colleagues joined me and dozens of Democratic House members in making a public “Unity Commitment.” We pledged to respect the outcome of the presidential election, regardless of how it lands, to encourage peace and civility following the vote, and to attend the Inauguration. We urged all of our colleagues to join us. 

We cannot — and will not — tolerate election denialism or civil unrest, and 

no one should fear for their safety just for making sure ballots are counted fairly.

Our democracy rests on the shoulders of those who dedicate their time, energy, and — far too often these days — their personal safety to ensure our elections run smoothly and fairly. It’s not just about counting votes, it’s about upholding the principles of decency, fairness, and respect that define us as Americans. 

We cannot allow those who spread fear and misinformation to threaten the very heart of our democracy. With the legislation I’m announcing today, we’re taking a stand to protect those who protect our democracy, so that every voter can cast their ballot without fear, and every election worker can serve without threats. Because the right to vote is sacred — and it is our duty to defend it. And, if you haven’t registered to vote, you still have until October 15 in New Jersey to do so — and you can do it right online at Vote.Gov.

I know that here, in the greatest country in the world, when we stand up for our democracy, our best days will always be ahead of us.

Thank you, and God bless.


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