RELEASE: Gottheimer, Bilirakis Lead Bipartisan Letter to Secretary Blinken Regarding President Erdoğan’s Anti-NATO and Anti-Israel Rhetoric.

Highlights how Erdoğan’s actions undermine NATO unity and Israel's security.

Oct 23, 2024

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, October 23, 2024, U.S. Representatives Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) and Gus Bilirakis (FL-12) led a bipartisan letter signed by twenty-four Members of Congress to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, urging the State Department to address Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s inflammatory rhetoric and behavior against NATO and key allies, including Israel. The letter is supported by the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and FDD Action.

The signatory of twenty-four bipartisan Members of Congress includes Reps. Gottheimer (NJ-5), Auchincloss (MA-4), Bilirakis (FL-12), Cherfilus-McCormick (FL-20), Costa (CA-21), Davis (NC-1), D’Esposito (NY-4), Frankel (FL-22), Garbarino (NY-2), Goldman (NY-10), Kiggans (VA-2), Landsman (OH-1), Malliotakis (NY-11), Manning (NC-6), Moskowitz (FL-23), Pallone (NJ-6), Pappas (NH-1), Rodgers (WA-5), Schiff (CA-30), Schneider (IL-10), Stevens (MI-11), Suozzi (NY-3), Titus (NV-1), and Wasserman Schultz (FL-25). 

“We write to you again with grave concerns about Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s recent inflammatory rhetoric and behavior. While allies often disagree, Erdoğan’s recent conduct has undermined U.S. efforts to counter global terrorism. With democracy under assault around the world, it is crucial that allies stand together with those on the frontlines fighting authoritarianism and strongly condemn antidemocratic conduct that violates our shared values. We urge the Administration to publicly condemn President Erdoğan’s rhetoric and actions that undermine support for key allies abroad, especially Israel,” wrote Congressman Gottheimer (NJ-5), Congressman Bilirakis (FL-12), and twenty-two bipartisan Members of Congress in a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The twenty-four members continued, “Erdoğan’s comments are despicable, and his conduct continues to undermine America’s security interests abroad, playing directly into the hands of autocrats around the world. Specifically, Erdoğan has exacerbated divisions within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) operations and security. Earlier this summer, Erdoğan vowed to block NATO’s existing and future cooperation with Israel. Israel is a crucial and valued partner of NATO, contributing significantly to areas such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), counter-terrorism, and intelligence sharing. Erdoğan’s threat to sever these ties would obstruct NATO from receiving critical technology and counter-defense information.”

“Turkey continues to harbor Hamas and allows the terror group to plan, fundraise, and even direct attacks on Israelis from its territory. The Treasury Department recently  sanctioned three individuals and a sham charity operating out of Turkey that knowingly facilitated millions of dollars of transactions benefiting Hamas operatives, signaling President Erdogan refusal to clamp down on Hamas networks in the country. FDD Action supports holding Erdogan accountable for enabling and legitimizing Hamas. Until meaningful action is taken by Turkey to ban Hamas from its territory, the U.S. should pursue all reasonable actions to isolate Erdogan for his embrace of the terror group.”

“AJC remains deeply concerned by President Erdoğan’s escalating anti-Israel and anti-democratic rhetoric which only serves to embolden adversaries and undermine regional stability. President Erdoğan continues to openly support Hamas, a U.S. designated terrorist organization, has hosted its leaders in Turkey, and has sought to normalize their acts of terror. He does this while also undercutting our global alliances, such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. We applaud Representatives Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) for bringing attention to and holding President Erdoğan accountable for his destabilizing influence in the region and beyond,” said Julie Fishman Rayman, Managing Director of Policy and Political Affairs, AJC.

Full text of the letter sent to Secretary of State Antony Blinken can be found here and below:

October 23, 2024

The Honorable Antony Blinken

Secretary of State

U.S. Department of State

2201 C Street, NW

Washington, DC 20520

Dear Secretary Blinken:

We write to you again with grave concerns about Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s recent inflammatory rhetoric and behavior. While allies often disagree, Erdoğan’s recent conduct has undermined U.S. efforts to counter global terrorism. With democracy under assault around the world, it is crucial that allies stand together with those on the frontlines fighting authoritarianism and strongly condemn antidemocratic conduct that violates our shared values. We urge the Administration to publicly condemn President Erdoğan’s rhetoric and actions that undermine support for key allies abroad, especially Israel.

On July 9, 2024, many of us sent you a letter outlining our concerns about Erdoğan’s remarks regarding Israel and requesting that you condemn his continued support for the terrorist regime responsible for the October 7 attacks. In this letter we enumerated several dangerous and inflammatory comments made by Erdoğan, including calling Hamas terrorists “freedom fighters”1 and labeling Israel as a “terrorist state.”2 Since that time, President Erdoğan has continued to make statements and propose policies that undercut our international partnerships and alliances. These actions are unfortunately consistent with Erdoğan’s history of aligning with authoritarian and terrorist regimes while spurning American and European priorities.

Erdoğan’s comments are despicable, and his conduct continues to undermine America’s security interests abroad, playing directly into the hands of autocrats around the world. Specifically, Erdoğan has exacerbated divisions within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) operations and security. Earlier this summer, Erdoğan vowed to block NATO’s existing and future cooperation with Israel.3 Israel is a crucial and valued partner of NATO, contributing significantly to areas such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), counter-terrorism, and intelligence sharing. Erdoğan’s threat to sever these ties would obstruct NATO from receiving critical technology and counter-defense information.

While participating in NATO, Erdoğan has simultaneously strengthened Turkey’s ties with totalitarian and authoritarian regimes. He has abandoned Turkey’s quest to join the European Union and now aspires to become a member of BRICS, a group that supports elevating the international standing and influence of our adversaries, including Russia, China, and Iran.4 No other member of NATO has joined BRICS, given the clear security conflicts and concerns. Just days before traveling to the NATO Summit in Washington, Erdoğan met with his “dear friend” Vladimir Putin to reaffirm their commitment to strengthening bilateral ties and enhancing cooperation in Syria.5 Comments like this directly undermine the U.S.’s support for Ukraine’s defense against Russia’s unprovoked invasion and opposition to the Assad regime, one of the worst human rights abusers on the planet.

Erdoğan’s promotion of harmful, anti-democratic policies and alignment with the Axis of Evil strains the relationship between the United States and Turkey. If this trend continues, the United States should consider steps to ensure Turkey complies with its obligations under the North Atlantic Treaty. While maintaining NATO unity is essential, Erdoğan’s recent anti-Israel rhetoric and Russia friendliness cannot be overlooked and ignored. We urge the Administration to publicly condemn President Erdoğan’s rhetoric and actions that undermine support for key allies abroad, especially Israel.




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