RELEASE: Gottheimer Hosts 52nd “Cup of Joe with Josh” Town Hall — Virtually on Facebook Live — with Freeholder Tracy Zur

Aug 03, 2020

Discusses Congressional Action on COVID-19, Food Insecurity, Federal Resources for North Jersey Residents

Above: Gottheimer held a virtual “Cup of Joe with Josh” Town Hall to answer questions from Fifth District constituents about the coronavirus outbreak.

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5) held his 52nd “Cup of Joe with Josh” Town Hall virtually on Facebook Live to discuss congressional action to combat COVID-19 and its impacts on North Jersey, resources for food banks and to combat food insecurity, federal support for small businesses, and work to increase the availability of PPE for frontline health care workers. Gottheimer was joined by Bergen County Freeholder Tracy Zur, who discussed food insecurity initiatives she is leading in North Jersey. 

“I’d like to thank Tracy for joining me and for everyone who tuned into my virtual 52nd Cup of Joe with Josh Town Hall, where I was able to connect with residents all across North Jersey while we take the proper precautions to help stop the spread of this virus,” said Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5). “Hearing from the folks I represent is an essential part of my ability to best represent you in Congress. I will continue to update North Jersey on what I’m doing to combat this outbreak, to help ensure our hospitals have the resources they need, to get our businesses much needed support, and to help all our communities impacted by this public health and economic crisis.”

Gottheimer has led several initiatives to combat the impacts of the COVID-19 public health and economic crisis on North Jersey communities, including: 

  • Helping introduce bipartisan, bicameral legislation — the SMART Fund — which provides $500 billion emergency investment to every single state, county and community in the country, while prioritizing assistance to the areas with the greatest need.
  • Introducing the Nursing Home Pandemic Protection Act, with Rep. Chris Smith, which requires that nursing homes share data on infection rates with the CDC and keep families and residents informed of outbreaks, as well as requiring a crisis plan and a stockpile of PPE. 


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