RELEASE: Gottheimer, Kim, Garbarino, Eshoo Re-Launch Bipartisan SALT Caucus to Fight for Tax Relief for Middle-Class Families

Feb 08, 2023


Today, February 8, 2023, U.S. Representatives Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5), Young Kim (CA-40), Anna Eshoo (CA-16), and Andrew Garbarino (NY-2) re-launched the bipartisan SALT Caucus for the 118th Congress — to restore the State and Local Tax deduction (SALT) to cut taxes and help make life more affordable for millions of middle-class families.

Since 2019, the House has passed legislation three times to restore the SALT deduction, and the Senate did not act.

Today, the bipartisan SALT Caucus hosted a press conference outside the Capitol. Watch the press conference here.

“Plain and simple: restoring SALT will get more dollars back into the pockets of hard-working families who are already struggling with high costs.” said Rep. Josh Gottheimer, SALT Caucus Co-Chair. “I’ve heard the arguments from the far right and I’ve heard the arguments from the far left. But what they miss every time is that restoring the SALT deduction will lower taxes for millions of real, everyday, middle-class families who we represent. I literally hear about it every single time I’m out in Jersey. At the grocery store, at the post office, at our schools from parents, when I’m visiting a police station: people are always asking about SALT.”

“Californians in my district and across my state have been burdened enough by high state taxes and rising costs of living and housing. They shouldn’t be hurt even more for state and local tax costs at the federal level,” said Rep. Young Kim (CA-40), SALT Caucus Co-Chair. “There are many of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle from states across the country whose constituents are unfairly hurt by the current cap on SALT deductions. I am proud to help once again create the bipartisan SALT caucus of like-minded members so we can bring relief to middle class families in our districts. I am committed to doing all I can to have a seat at the table and work with my colleagues to ensure my constituents are treated fairly.” 

“The cap on the SALT deduction is an attack on the middle class, raising taxes on 200,000 families in my Congressional District,” said Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA-16), SALT Caucus Co-Chair. “Prior to the 2017 tax law, my constituents claimed an average deduction of $63,083, and as a co-chair of the bipartisan SALT Caucus, I’m firmly committed to restoring this vital deduction for Californians.”

“As tax day approaches, it marks another year of my constituents getting the short end of the stick because it’s another year that they’re not able to deduct the entirety of their state and local taxes,” said Rep. Andrew Garbarino, SALT Caucus Co-Chair. “In my community there are teachers, firefighters, and police officers whose property taxes alone far exceed the $10,000 cap. These are hard-working, middle-class Americans who are being double taxed and penalized for living in a high cost, high productivity area. We on the SALT Caucus stand together, united and committed to finding a bipartisan fix to an injustice that affects working class Americans across the country.”

“Middle class Californians are counting on Congress to deliver tax fairness,” said Rep. Katie Porter (CA-47), SALT Caucus Vice-Chair. “The Trump Administration’s reckless political games poisoned our tax code and hurt millions of families living in high cost-of-living areas. Lifting the SALT cap will put money back into families’ pockets, helping more than one in three California taxpayers, who were previously able to rely on this deduction.”

“Each year, the SALT deduction cap imposes an unfair double tax that raises the cost of living for New Jersey families by thousands of dollars, making it more difficult to afford to live in our state and stay here for generations,” said Rep. Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11), SALT Caucus Vice-Chair. “This cap targets the states that drive our country’s innovation and competitiveness as a result of strong investments in our public schools and workforce. As a leader and founding member, I am proud to re-launch the SALT Caucus for the 118th Congress to bring much-needed SALT relief to New Jerseyans and to improve affordability nationwide.”

“Middle-class New Yorkers are unfairly taxed twice on the same income, putting a burden on New York and other progressive states, who pay billions more in federal taxes than they receive back each year. As a member of the SALT Caucus, I’m proud to join my fellow members in fighting to restore fairness in future tax legislation,” said Rep. Jerrold Nadler (NY-12).

“I’m proud to join my colleagues to relaunch the bipartisan SALT Caucus,” said Rep. Nick LaLota (NY-01). “For every dollar a New York taxpayer sends Washington, we get a mere 93 cents back. To right that wrong, one of my top priorities in Congress is to get something done on SALT and I am committed to working to deliver real results for my constituents.”

“Affordability is top of mind for families across New Jersey who are still getting crushed by out-of-control inflation, compounded with sky-high taxes. Fully restoring the SALT Deduction is crucial to making a more affordable state and country. Now more than ever, it is important for families to keep more of their hard-earned money. I’m proud to join both Republican and Democrat colleagues in the effort to get this done,” said Rep. Tom Kean, Jr. (NJ-07).

“For as long as we’ve had a tax code, the State and Local Tax Deduction has existed to acknowledge the principle that Americans shouldn’t have to pay taxes twice,” said Rep. Sean Casten (IL-6). “It’s past time we eased the tax burden on American families by eliminating the current SALT deduction cap.”

“New Yorkers are struggling with inflation, rising mortgage rates, juggling two jobs to keep a roof over their heads, all while being crushed by another round of property tax increases. Local municipalities and states continue to abuse the people they represent with increased tax bills time and time again and I look forward to working with my colleagues in a bipartisan manner to make changes to this deduction that will provide more relief to middle-class families who are struggling to get by,” said Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11).

“I’ve fought like hell to restore the full SALT deduction. This has been my number one priority from the moment the GOP tax scam robbed middle class families of this crucial lifeline they relied on. I’m far from alone. We are joining together to make abundantly clear to our colleagues that the SALT cap brutalizing our constituents needs to go yesterday. Any path to relief runs through Ways and Means. As New Jersey’s only member of our tax-writing committee, I will not rest until we get this done,” said Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (NJ-9).

“For too long, New York families have suffered serious financial hardship as a result of the current cap on SALT deductions instituted in 2017,” said Rep. Anthony D’Esposito (NY-04). “I am pleased to join the bipartisan SALT Caucus, and work collaboratively with colleagues from both major parties as we set out to restore the full SALT deduction for those filing their federal income returns. We intend to provide real financial relief for the people we have the privilege of representing here in Washington, and we can do that by restoring the full SALT deduction.”

“We need to repeal the cap on the State and Local Tax Deduction. In my district, 48% of taxpayers take the deduction. Working families teachers, police officers, and firefighters are all suffering because of the 2017 decision to penalize blue states,” said Rep. Brad Schneider (IL-10). “States like Illinois made responsible decisions to invest in our schools, communities, and roads. Still, we pay into the federal government more than we get back. It isn’t fair that Illinoisans are paying taxes on our taxes, effectively double taxation.”

“I’m proud to be a member of the bipartisan SALT Caucus. Folks in our districts are facing an affordability crisis and pay among the highest taxes in the nation. It has to stop,” said Rep. Mike Lawler (NY-17). “Ultimately we should seek full repeal of this arbitrary cap and continue to take concrete steps to provide hardworking taxpayers in New York and across the country the tax relief they need.”

The SALT Caucus consists of: 

Rep. Young Kim (CA-40), SALT Caucus Co-Chair

Rep. Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5), SALT Caucus Co-Chair 

Rep. Andrew Garbarino (NY-2), SALT Caucus Co-Chair

Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA-16), SALT Caucus Co-Chair

Rep. Katie Porter (CA-47), SALT Caucus Vice-Chair

Rep. Mike Garcia (CA-27), SALT Caucus Vice-Chair 

Rep. Jamie Raskin (MD-8), SALT Caucus Vice-Chair

Rep. Tom Kean, Jr. (NJ-7), SALT Caucus Vice-Chair

Rep. Bill Pascrell, Jr. (NJ-9), SALT Caucus Vice-Chair

Rep. Anthony D’Esposito (NY-4), SALT Caucus Vice-Chair

Rep. Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11), SALT Caucus Vice-Chair

Rep. Michael Lawler (NY-17)

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (NY-12)

Rep. Nick LaLota (NY-1)

Rep. Jimmy Panetta (CA-19)

Rep. Brad Schneider (IL-10)

Rep. Patrick Ryan (NY-18)

Rep. Julia Brownley (CA-26)

Rep. Dean Phillips (MN-3)

Rep. Andy Kim (NJ-3)

Rep. Sean Casten (IL-6)

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (NY-11)

Rep. Judy Chu (CA-28)

Rep. Ted W. Lieu CA-36)

Rep. Marc Molinaro (NY-19)

Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC)

Rep. John Larson (CT-1)

Rep. Jimmy Gomez (CA-34)

Rep. Rob Menendez (NJ-8)

Rep. Brian Higgins (NY-26)

Rep. Danny Davis (IL-7)

Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY-5)

Rep. Michelle Steel (CA- 45)


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