RELEASE: Moderate Nine Reinforce Push for Immediate Infrastructure Vote

Aug 20, 2021

Washington, D.C. – Today, Representatives Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ), Filemon Vela (D-TX), Henry Cuellar (D-TX), Ed Case (D-HI), Kurt Schrader (D-OR), Carolyn Bourdeaux (D-GA), Jared Golden (D- ME), Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX), and Jim Costa (D-CA) released the following statements to reiterate their position and call for an immediate vote on the Senate-passed Bipartisan Infrastructure bill. 

Congressman Josh Gottheimer

“New Jersey has the third worst roads in the nation, a third of our bridges need repairs, and our critical train tunnel to New York is 113-years-old and literally crumbling. Like the rest of America, we have waited far too long for legislation that will actually fix our nation’s infrastructure. That’s why the House can’t afford to wait months, or do anything to risk passing the historic infrastructure package that the Senate voted on earlier this month, with overwhelming Democratic and Republican support,” said Congressman Gottheimer. “This bipartisan legislation will help create two million jobs a year over the next decade; it has earned support from the AFL-CIO and local building trades to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. We have the votes to pass this legislation right now, which is why I believe we should first vote immediately on the bipartisan infrastructure package, send it to the President’s desk, and then quickly consider the budget resolution, which I plan to support. We need to get people to work and shovels in the ground.”

Congressman Filemon Vela

“I believe we should bring the Bipartisan Infrastructure Package, supported by 50 Senate Democrats and 19 Republicans, to the floor for a vote and immediate passage next week for the President’s swift signature,” said Congressman Vela. “Immediately thereafter, I will support a budget resolution and look forward to the negotiation of a reconciliation package that will expand on providing childcare benefits to those that need it most, provide funding that will give community college students a tuition-free pathway to a degree, and extend benefits to America’s working men and women.”

Congressman Henry Cuellar

“The Infrastructure Framework is a bipartisan agreement to make the largest long-term investment in our infrastructure and competitiveness in nearly a century,” said Congressman Cuellar. “The Infrastructure Bill benefits all Americans—regardless of political party. That is why the bill has broad, bipartisan support and endorsements from the nation’s governors, mayors, business leaders, and major labor unions. Specifically, the bill allocates nearly $30 billion for infrastructure improvements in Texas. These investments will not only create good-paying jobs, but will also improve public transportation options, replace crumbling bridges, repair roads, protect against cyber-attacks, and help provide widespread broadband coverage across Texas,” said Congressman Cuellar. “It is only rational that we move this bill forward now. Americans are ready to get back to work and we must seize this historic opportunity to pass a once in a generation infrastructure legislation—a rare example of broad-based bipartisan, bicameral support.”

Congressman Ed Case

“We must pass the $1 trillion Senate physical infrastructure package immediately and send it to the President without changing it and without linking it to the $3.5 trillion social infrastructure package,” said Congressman Case.

Our country desperately needs this direct reinvestment in our crumbling infrastructure. We also desperately need to prove our dysfunctional government can actually work. That’s why this measure is so widely supported nationwide, and we cannot risk any failure to deliver. In a deeply divided Congress, it is virtually impossible to pass such major initiatives, and any changes or delays will likely cause this one to fail.”

Congressman Kurt Schrader

“The Senate overwhelmingly voted to invest $1 trillion to modernize our nation’s aging infrastructure for the 21st century and the House must also deliver for the American people,” said Congressman Schrader.  “The ambiguity of the reconciliation process would leave the bipartisan infrastructure package in limbo and lead to possible failure. Families in Oregon and throughout the country simply cannot afford to miss out on the largest effort in a century to rebuild our crumbling transportation and water systems and make transformative investments, like ensuring universal access to affordable high-speed broadband and strengthening energy resiliency.

The House must pass the bipartisan infrastructure package without delay. Waiting any longer risks losing the creation of good-paying union jobs, growing and supporting businesses and keeping our country competitive in the world market.” 

Congresswoman Carolyn Bourdeaux

“It is imperative that we pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework. This bill is a historic win for our country and for my community in Georgia. The billions of dollars that will flow to my state will help us invest in critical infrastructure—like roads, bridges, broadband, green energy, and more. But most of all, this legislation gets Americans back to work with good-paying jobs and is a down payment on tackling climate change. We cannot wait. Everyone knows time kills deals. This job is done. It’s time for us to take this historic win, pass the bill, and get to work rebuilding and repairing our communities.”

Congressman Jared Golden

“It is counterproductive to hold up the bipartisan infrastructure bill when we could simply vote on it in the House next week and move immediately to consider the budget resolution,” said Congressman Golden. “That’s the exact path that Democrats followed in the Senate. 

A failure to immediately send the infrastructure bill to the President’s desk puts at risk millions of jobs and leaves the nation’s economy and crumbling infrastructure hostage to political gamesmanship in Washington.”

Congressman Vicente Gonzalez

“Our nation has dealt with crumbling and outdated infrastructure for decades. We have to enact bold investments to repair, modernize and expand our roads, bridges, and broadband infrastructure,” said Congressman Gonzalez. “As the U.S. Representative for the 15th District of Texas, a community lacking access to a major interstate and sufficient broadband connectivity, I am here to fight for South Texans’ access to opportunities and resources. We cannot afford to delay passage of this critical bipartisan legislation promised to the American people. It must be brought to the House floor immediately—before the reconciliation package, to ensure its passage.”

Congressman Jim Costa

“I want to make it clear: I intend to vote on the President’s infrastructure bill and the reconciliation budget package, but not with conditions that are presently before us,” said Congressman Costa.  “The Bipartisan infrastructure package should be voted on first and put on the President’s desk. That would mark a great victory for the American people. If that were to happen, I would immediately vote for budget reconciliation to get that process going.  Despite our differences as Democrats, we all have the same goals to advance the President’s agenda and Build Back Better for every American. I’m confident by working together we can pass both parts of this important plan.” 

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