RELEASE: New Jersey Congressional Delegation Members Fighting to Repeal the Cap on SALT Deduction, Oppose Reconciliation Unless SALT Deduction Restored

Sep 17, 2021

Pascrell, Gottheimer, Malinowski, Sherrill fighting to reinstate the SALT property tax deduction


Above: Rep. Malinowski, NJ Assemblyman Johnson, Rep. Sherrill, Rep. Pascrell, Jr., Rep. Gottheimer, Englewood Mayor Wildes

ENGLEWOOD, NJ — Today, September 17, 2021, Representatives Bill Pascrell, Jr. (NJ-9), Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5), Tom Malinowski (NJ-7), and Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) joined together to push for a full repeal of the disastrous cap on the State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction and to oppose the budget reconciliation package unless there is a restoration of the SALT deduction. Repealing the cap on the SALT deduction would keep more dollars in the pockets of hardworking New Jersey families.

The State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction — which dates back to 1913 — was gutted in the 2017 partisan Tax Hike Bill by a disastrous $10,000 cap on the deduction.

The four Members were joined in Englewood today by homeowners who have been negatively impacted by the cap on the SALT deduction.

“Despite Republicans’ lies, SALT is all about the middle class,” said Rep. Bill Pascrell. “But what is middle class and middle income in Oklahoma or South Dakota or Wyoming isn’t the same in New Jersey where we face much higher costs of living. Paraphrasing Rodney Dangerfield, New Jersey gets no respect with these SALT lies. There is no Build Back Better and no rebuilt America without a restored SALT deduction. Any legislation we approve in the full House must include it. Period.”

“If we reinstate the SALT deduction, nearly a third of New Jersey residents — almost three million people — would get tax relief,” said Rep. Josh Gottheimer. “That’s why we’re calling for action, and working in Congress, to ensure the SALT deduction is reinstated. We will only vote for a reconciliation package on the house floor that reinstates SALT. This is about getting more money back into the pockets of Jersey’s middle class families and stopping double taxation that only benefits Moocher states, which is why we are standing firm. No SALT, no dice.”

“I’m proud to stand alongside my colleagues today and make it clear that we’re fighting for SALT relief for New Jersey families,” said Rep. Mikie Sherrill. “This is an issue that impacts teachers, firefighters, first responders, and everyday working families in my district. Since my first day in office, it has been a top priority of mine to repeal the SALT deduction cap and provide the relief from this double taxation that families across my district need. After years of fighting that fight, we finally have an opportunity to deliver. Repealing the SALT deduction cap is a must-do and it is clear that there’s no pathway forward on the Build Back Better Act without it.”

“Any budget reconciliation bill that is going to raise the top individual tax rate for my constituents must also address the SALT deduction,” said Rep. Tom Malinowski. “This legislation is an incredible opportunity to restore tax fairness for states like New Jersey, and I stand with my colleagues in demanding real relief for middle-class Americans.”

Watch the full press conference here


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