Gottheimer, Murphy Offer Tax Cut Plan

Jan 06, 2018

Jersey Fights Back Against Tax Hike Bill with Tax Cut Plan to Counteract Loss of State and Local Tax Deductions, Tax Relief for Jersey Families and Businesses

Today, fighting back against the recently passed Tax Hike Bill, Congressman Josh Gottheimer and Governor-elect Phil Murphy joined together to offer a new Tax Cut Plan for New Jersey. They were joined by Congressman Bill Pascrell and the mayors of Fair Lawn, Paramus and Park Ridge who all expressed support for the plan and their eagerness to implement it, with state support, in their communities. The Tax Hike Bill took a two-by-four to the State of New Jersey, gutting the State and Local Deduction (SALT), sharply limiting New Jersey’s property tax deductions, and imposing a massive Tax Hike on Jersey families and businesses. The Tax Hike Bill was largely paid for on the backs of New Jersey taxpayers and, according to experts, will bring property values down by as much as twenty percent and send businesses and jobs to other states.

“In Jersey, we don’t just take a punch and snake away to the corner. No, we stand up and fight,” said Congressman Josh Gottheimer. “Today, Jersey is fighting back against the Moocher States with a Tax Cut Plan that actually helps people who live in New Jersey. I ran for Congress to cut taxes for our residents and businesses.”

“The Tax Hike Bill can only be seen one way—as an assault on New Jersey—paid for on our backs. It’s a huge windfall for what I call ‘Moocher States,’ those like Mississippi and Alabama, that pay far less in federal taxes than we do, and somehow consistently get far more back,” said Gottheimer.

More information from the event can be found HERE.

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